The body of this gooseneck clips directly onto any 12.5 to 13.0 mm diameter mast. It is supplied with a length of 12.8 mm tube which can be used to fit this gooseneck onto masts up to 11.4 mm diameter. The injection moulded body is the right size to fit the mast gate of all SAILSetc IOMs and helps avoid corrosion at this critical point on the mast. This item will normally be supplied as the standard gooseneck/kicking strap in all our IOM rigging packs unless otherwise specified or appropriate. The standard kicking strap unit for all our IOM gooseneck/kicking strap units is now a self locking unit. There is no lock wheel, lock nut or piece of tube to provide the locking mechanism which is designed into the body of the unit. Now standard on items 11a, 11b, 11c, 11d and 15.